Legal Notice
Meat Cracks Technologie GmbH
Rienshof 2
D-49439 Steinfeld-Mühlen
Managing Directors: Gregor Scheffer, Dieter Hake
Legal job title given in Germany:
Fleischer, Fleischermeister, staatlich geprüfter Fleischtechniker
Diplom Ökonom
Phone: +49 5492 9609-0
Fax: +49 5492 9609-29
Please send questions and suggestions: info(a)meatcracks.de
Legal reference: AG Oldenburg HRB 111825
Value added tax identification number: DE 220049132
All rights reserve. The information is property of the Meat Cracks Technologie GmbH. They present at the time of the publication the newest information. An adhesion or a warranty for the topicality, correctness and completeness of the provided information and data is impossible.
In no case does the information on the web pages represents legal warranties. Meat Cracks Technologie GmbH reserves the right to make necessary changes or additions to the available information or data. From the here described topic areas, no legal claims can be derived.
The contents may not be multiplied and/or published completely or partly or stored in an information system without previous written permission of the author.
All information or data, their use as well as all with the Website Meat Cracks Technologie GmbH associated doing, bearing or omitting are subject exclusive to German right, under exclusion of international right. Place of delivery and exclusive place of jurisdiction is Vechta.
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